Howdy, I'm Wes.

I'm a geek that likes making things with computers. Passionate about the web, I've been programming online and off for the last twenty years.

Here's some stuff I've recently written:


  • Peppers

    I finally tried my hand at gardening this year. As a huge fan of spicy food, I was excited to try growing chili peppers.

  • Let's Play

    The original Dark Souls is without a doubt my game of the decade. Everything from its interconnected world, skillful mechanics, and ever-deepening story shows the brilliance in its design. What really keeps me coming back though is the creativity of its modding community.

  • Hacktoberfest 2019

    This year I learned about an annual event named Hacktoberfest. Hosted by Digital Ocean, it encourages programmers to contribute to various open source projects.


  • Backlog Bingo

    In November of 2023, I participated in Tildes’ annual Backlog Burner event. It’s a community-run event where participants play through unfinished titles in their gaming libraries. As somebody with a backlog that never seems to shrink, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to finally make some progress in mine.

  • Handy Dandy Notebook

    Melvor Idle is an idle (or “incremental”) game based around the RuneScape IP. I started playing this one during a period where I was put out by renovations and had no office space. It kept me busy and paired well with audiobooks, another hobby of mine.

  • Steam Market List

    For those with large Steam libraries, trading cards have been a way of earning store credit in exchange for a little time. They can be listed on the Steam market where you’ll receive a few cents for each card purchased. With enough cards, this can add up.